A Critical Review of Netflix's "Mary"

The following is a critical review of the Netflix movie, "Mary." As a church, we want to encourage our members and attendees to be discerning of all forms of media and entertainment. This review is meant to serve as an aid as you consider if this is appropriate for your family.

The Netflix film, "Mary," presents a backstory of the Virgin Mary primarily drawn from the apocryphal Protoevangelium of James, a source rejected by the early church and lacking historical or scriptural validation. While the film loosely aligns with certain Catholic traditions, it departs from key Roman Catholic doctrines such as the perpetual virginity of Mary and the Immaculate Conception. Additionally, the film portrays elements that may be problematic for Catholic and evangelical audiences alike, including a romanticized portrayal of Mary and Joseph’s relationship and a secularized tone devoid of clear theological or spiritual depth.

Though visually stunning and entertaining, the film does not align with a biblically grounded view of Mary or the Gospel. Its diluted message risks misleading viewers by promoting narratives and themes that deviate from Scripture. Therefore, we encourage congregants to approach this film with discernment and to prioritize biblical accounts that emphasize God’s redemptive work through Mary as the mother of Jesus, rather than speculative or secularized storytelling.

Mark Bates
EFC Elder & OCS Administrator 

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