Missions Update: Sharla Wiesner

On April 19th (at OCS Junior High chapel) and 21st (in the morning service and Sunday school), EFC Oroville hosted Sharla Wiesner, who- along with her husband, Russell- are teaching and church-planting in Cambodia. Being new to our missions committee, I had never had the opportunity to be involved in hosting a missionary.

I had the honor and privilege of introducing her to the congregation and also to make sure she had what she needed in the way of comfort and facilitation. In that it was a new experience for me, I have to admit that I was a bit nervous. But, as I talked to her, I was put at ease by finding Sharla a very quiet and accommodating person… and passionate! One could tell she was “still waters running deep” and that she was continuing to fully embrace the passion that she and Russell have had in their ministry of 25+ years- and in three countries, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, and now, Cambodia… And with six kids!

One thing that struck me, and something to which I had never given much thought… Missionaries have lives stateside as well, and sometimes have difficult circumstances to deal with off of the field. In this case, Sharla had to leave Russell in Cambodia and come back to the US to support a daughter who had had a difficult pregnancy and help facilitate her mother. She would have to be gone from her husband and ministry for a significant time to do what she had to do for her family here.

This really got me thinking about how much missionaries have to, in a different way than us, draw on the grace of the Father. It’s something that I have always taken for granted. I knew that being in international ministry, oversees missionaries have to come back to the States periodically have a respite and to raise funds to continue in the field. In getting to know Sharla, I can now see how they have to juggle their lives in ministry abroad and with their families that are away from them elsewhere.

I found with Sharla- and am finding with other ministries- that most of the prayers they need are for their personal circumstances as much as for financial support. Please pray for the families of those we support in the mission field. They are people just like us and face a lot of the same challenges.

Rick Gentry
EFC Mission Committee

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