Summer Ministry Through the Eyes of an Intern

I arrived in California  late on a Saturday night.

 I was very nervous, anxious, and scared.

That Sunday I was greeted with smiles, kind words, and a few hugs. After being blessed by meeting the people at EFC Oroville, all my worries disappeared.

The first few weeks of my internship were heavily focused on VBS, and youth camp, working alongside the Student Ministries Assistant, Jacob Lasagna. Every day Jacob and I would get all the items needed for camp, as well as preparing the materials for the children’s Sunday school teachers. At camp I had the privilege of teaching the junior high boys in our small groups. Out of everything I helped with at youth camp, my favorite part was getting to teach these boys, and getting to know them.  We all had a great time playing  games, hanging out, and eating great food. Watching these guys hanging out together and getting along with each other was a great encouragement to me.

Not long after camp had come and gone, VBS had snuck up on us, and it was time to start getting our hands dirty. There were so many volunteers helping with VBS in so many different ways. The few weeks before VBS were the most stressful for me because of the skit practices and putting up decorations while trying to get ready for Sunday. All of the work we did preparing for VBS was one hundred percent worth it, because over 150 children were able to hear the gospel during those 5 days, and if that doesn’t put a smile on your face, I don’t know what will.

After camp and VBS had sadly passed, the student ministries planned some different breakfast Bible studies, which have been going great. The youth have learned about forgiveness and how to forgive, while eating a delicious breakfast provided by Brian. Jacob has been doing a great job teaching on the Holy Spirit and what the roles of the Holy Spirit are for Wednesday night Bible study.  I have been teaching on prayer and how to pray in Sunday school. We have gone through the Lord’s prayer and different prayers in the Bible, and studied to see how we can use those as an example to pray. We have learned much more, but if I was to include it all this article would go on forever.

This experience has helped me grow spiritually in many different ways. One way is learning to trust in God’s providence.  I have no need to worry because God, our Father, is in complete control, and I know everything works out for my good as Romans 8:28 says. I am thankful that I was able to have the opportunity to be EFC Oroville’s summer intern, and have greatly enjoyed my time here.

I would like to thank the elders of the church for considering me, and having me here. I’d like to thank my uncle Brian and aunt Allissa  and their  family for welcoming me into their household.  I would also like to thank Jacob Lasagna for  his help and patience with me as I learn what it means to be in ministry.  He has been a blessing to me in more ways than one this summer.

Lastly, I would like to thank you, the church. Thank you for being so kind  and generous to me.  Lord willing, I hope we can cross paths again in the future.

To God be the Glory,
Eli Clardy

1 Comment

Stacie Stancik - August 1st, 2023 at 7:56pm

How encouraging to see the ways God worked through you and what He taught you. I pray that this experience helps you continue on a lifelong journey following Jesus.

Thanks for interning at EFC Oroville this summer.



