Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We desire to obey the Great Commission by proclaiming the Gospel and making disciples of all nations. In addition to participating in mission opportunities both within and outside of our community, we are excited to partner in ministry with those around the world.

Missionary of the Month
Each month we highlight one of our missionaries to let you know how to pray for them and update you with what is going on in their ministry.
You can also fill out the form below to send an encouraging note.
Pick up a prayer card at the Missions kiosk for a more detailed prayer list.
You can also fill out the form below to send an encouraging note.
Pick up a prayer card at the Missions kiosk for a more detailed prayer list.
Richard & Keri Nakamura
The Nakamuras are seeking to reach the Japanese Diaspora in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Area of Texas.
Prayer Needs:
Prayer Needs:
- Partnerships with businesses to spread the Gospel to the Japanese. Inroads to companies like Toyota, NTT, Kubota, etc.
- Unity among Japanese churches - starting prayer meetings with pastors
- Finding POPs (Person of Peace) to open doors of relationships to the Japanese
- Keri's health, strength and energy
- Dennis Hurt's outreach to neighbors, widowers, and men in the church
- Daughter Kayla is looking for new job opportunities
- Son Nathan's schooling (especially Algebra and Chemistry) and basketball
- Richard's 93 year old mom's faith to grow (she has dementia) & her 90's club Bible study group (Toshiko & Yoko)
- Salvation for the other 3 kids who are living apart from the Lord (still have great communication with parents, though)
- Answered prayers regarding the move to Texas. The family is slowly adjusting
- One 90 year old lady received Christ! Joy and wonder that all her sins are forgiven!