VBS 2022: A Recap

One of the best weeks of summer in the life of our church is VBS week. It’s always such a joy seeing so many kids having fun, learning about Jesus, and interacting with our volunteers. We always get to see God do some amazing things through VBS, and this year was no different.

Ok, it was a little different, as we were able to witness the theme of this year’s VBS line up perfectly with one of the more monumental events in recent history. Zoomerang, which transported our kids to the island of Australia, focused on teaching about the sanctity of all human life. This came within a couple of weeks of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. This providential act provided us a backdrop as our children learned that every human life, from the moment of conception, was made in the image of God. Our teachers were able to use scripture, along with true historical and scientific facts, to teach how every human being is designed by God and is of eternal value, which was highlighted by our theme verse Psalm 139:14, “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

We had 170 kids registered and on our largest night we had 126 in attendance. Combined with our 74 volunteers that means we had almost 200 people on our campus each night! After opening with a song, our students would venture off to a rotation of crafts, games, snacks, and bible teaching. In spite of it being the hottest week of the summer, the kids had lots of energy and were excited as they closed each night with a performance by our drama team. Our volunteers were also treated to a delicious dinner before all the fun began.

We cannot thank our volunteers enough for their amazing help in making our VBS a success! Through their efforts, we were able to teach the truth of God’s word to the children, not only from our church, but from our community. Our prayer is that these truths would take root in these young hearts and that many of these children would come to know Christ as Savior. We can’t wait for next year!

EFC Children’s Ministries

1 Comment

Marie Rehnert - August 12th, 2022 at 6:03pm

Rejoicing and praying for the seeds that were planted in the hearts of everyone there. God is so good.. and He will continue to bless.

Well done.



