Have You Prayed Today?
October 1st, 2022
Have You Prayed Today?Mark BatesBlessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of ...  Read More
Raising Functional Atheists
September 1st, 2022
We teach our children that God’s will is always best, that we should trust His plan for our lives, but when it comes time to make a big decision, God isn’t factored into the equation. ...  Read More
VBS 2022: A Recap
August 12th, 2022
One of the best weeks of summer in the life of our church is VBS week. It’s always such a joy seeing so many kids having fun, learning about Jesus, and interacting with our volunteers. We always get t...  Read More
Three Words That Describe What Prayer Means to Me
June 30th, 2022
The test of the quality of any relationship is how much time the two people involved spend together talking and sharing with one another. For example, a good marriage requires time. It is the same wit...  Read More
A Plan for a New Year
March 11th, 2022
A Plan for the New YearThe start of a new year always signals new plans and goals. Whether it’s a resolution to lose weight and work out more, or to learn a new skill, or kick a bad habit, the turn of...  Read More
Love, So That They Know You Are Mine
February 9th, 2022
God has sent us His Son to show us what love looks like. This Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, has come to earth out of loving obedience to the Father, and He shows us that true love is full, sacrificial, ...  Read More